What we do

Major Objectives
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus Christ said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
·         To promote the Diocesan Mission and vision
·         To coordinate gospel outreach in and outside the Diocese
·         To send the Love of God by providing both  social and economic services to the needy
·         To provide better connection for current members to Christ
·         To provide better connection for new members to Christ
·         To coordinate fellowship within the Congregation members, the Church and the Community
·         To promote any Spiritual work
 We are dedicated to provide Godly services; at the moment the we have invested in the below given services
(i)                  Sunday Schools
(ii)                Weekly Bible Studies
(iii)              Baptisms of children and elders
(iv)              Weddings
(v)                Counselling 
(vi)              Burial services
(vii)            Prayers

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