STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 - 2022


Planning is very meaningful and resourceful in any kind of work. It is so Scriptural to have Strategic Plan as planning itself has its origin from the Holy Bible. He gives examples of building a tower and engaging in a war that one is required to count whether enough resource to meet the needs has. It is also the Bible that stresses, “Where there is no Vision, people perish”. Having realized sources of all plans we are called to commit to the Lord whatever we do and our plans will succeed. The Objectives of this Strategic Plan are, Firstly, enabling suitable link amongst, Kamanga Parishes, The Diocese of Victoria Nyanza (Mother Diocese) Development plans and other development partners to ensure the most effective accomplishment of DVN Vision and Mission. Secondly, is to provide guidance, Clarification and way forward to implementers on what should be accomplished for next five years operation.

__________ Luke 14:28-31 

Kamanga Parishes: Strategic Plan 2020 – 2022.

Pilot Area 



Area In Size

Economic Activities

Est Sunday Attendance




Peasantry agriculture, fishing, Trade 
Kamanga = 75
Karumo = 10
Total = 85

Our Mission:

Kamanga parishes use the Holy Spirit as the guider hence education, experience and integrity used as key supporting tools in whatever we do. 

Our Vision:

To be the most organized, socially and economically success in the Anglican Diocese of Victoria Nyanza and beyond.

Purpose of the Strategic Plan:

This document sets out our outlook for the Kamanga for the next two calendar years. It outlines the key priority areas that we believe God is calling us to focus on, specifically highlighting strategic areas we focus at for development.                                                        

 This strategy has been formed after careful observations, meetings by the churches concerned and proper appraisals basing on the strengths and weaknesses of the church and society around.

Strategic Plan

The strategic plan provides a clear picture of the development plan for two years (2020 - 2022). It shows challenges available and suggested actions or means on how to eradicate them. 

Purpose Values and challenges:

This section lays the foundation for the strategic plan by clearly articulating why we exist as a Parishes and what we believe we are called to do

Our Core Principles 

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God written and to contain all things necessary for salvation as well as the rule and ultimate standard of our faith. 

      Strategic priorities and listings of proposed projects:
The strategic priorities are the key areas that we believe we need to focus on a Kamanga Parishes ss.

This is the heart of the Strategic plan containing the detailed steps in the outworking of the plan. Everything before this is the foundation. This is the framework

Our Purpose 

Kamanga Parishes, namely Kamanga and Karumo exist in the Anglican Diocese of Victoria Nyanza. They are there to bring glory to God by developing and nurturing vibrant, Christcentered, communities of faith.

Our aim 

      To glorify God through our worship that is corporate and personal; culturally relevant and transcendent; self-denying and life-giving; yet always biblical. 
      To be Parishes of grace that embraces and values people of all ages and circumstance in the redeeming love of Christ.
      To empower the marginalized and vulnerable communities to optimize their potential so as to live a life free of poverty, hunger, ignorance, illiteracy, exploitation, disease and HIV aids

Human Dignity

We believe that when the Bible says that God so loved the world means all people – people close to God and people far from God. As a result it is our responsibility to love people as Christ did; recognizing that God’s plan is for all things on heaven and earth to be drawn together under the authority of Christ
4     Ephesians 3:10

Our Values 

      The challenge of the great commission, knowing that people far from God matter to God and therefore should matter to us.
      Relationships. People join the church for a variety of different reasons, but they stay for only one –relationship.
      Love, acceptance, honesty and forgiveness as the dominant features of authentic Christian community.

1.1.1 Compassion, integrity and  service to humanity which embraces equity in a multi cultural society


Corinthians 12:13
Ephesians 1:10 
1 Corinthians 15:20

Our Challenges 

      Globalization is affecting all countries including Tanzania, this change takes the dimension of economics, information communication technology, climate and social change respectively
      Perception of the church’s decreasing relevance generational separation.. 
      The rising poor, needy, orphanage and disability population compounded by HIV aids pandemic and youth unemployment within 
      Diminishing attendance at church 
      Financial scarcity reading to the Parishes under development 
      Long times persisted Increased Church conflicts, lack of educated and professional clergy and presence on none canonical leadership at diocesan Parish levels
      Rising extreme Poverty, goods and services price fluctuation, exploitation corruption and injustice in the Society.
      Increasing youth  unemployment 
      Growing HIV AIDS pandemic and Malaria and those diseases by un safe drinking water 
      Rising extreme poverty and disability ,hunger, illiteracy, exploitation and injustice
      Environmental degradation factored by climate change 
      Threat from other religions especially Muslims

Strategic Priorities

Kamanga Parishes have the following development strategic priorities for 2020 - 2022

Developing Leaders and Institutional capacity building (4,000,000)

Strategic intent:
To develop confident, creative and spiritually health leaders (Elders, Evangelists) with a clear understanding of gospel, discipleship and ministry as participating in the mission of God, 

Strategic Outcome
The identification, nurture and formation of a new generation of leaders (both lay and ordained) for fresh and reinvigorating ministry initiatives

New Church Building ( 7,000,000/-)

Strategic Intent:

To build a new church in place to replace the collapsed old one and Build Pastoral office

Strategic Outcome

To have a better place of warship and pastoral operations   


Building two Rooms Kindergarten classes (30,000,000/-     

Strategic Intent:

Ensure that the children around the church  get kindergarten  Education from the church
Strategic Outcome:

To have children from the church and society educated from the church regardless their religious differences 

Establishing Sunday School Breakfast (500,000/-)

Strategic Intent:
To ensure that children get breakfast as they get Sunday school teaching every Sunday

Strategic Outcome

Increased reached children by the Sunday School 

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